
How to farm starsphere shards

Fire Emblem Echoes Top Story
Check how to get rare swords!
update 24/04/2017

What is starsphere shard?

Startshere shard is an item that boosts stats growth of who equips it. In Fire Emblem Echoes, 12 starsphere shards can be found.

NameEffect (%)
AquariusAtk +10, Tec +10, Spd +10
PiscesAtk +10, Luc +10, Def +10, Res +10
AriesLuc +40
TaurusHp +5, Atk +5, Tec +5, Spd +5, Luc +5, Def +5, Res +5
GeminiAtk +30, Def +20
CancerAtk -10, Def +50
LeoAtk +50, Def -10
VirgoDef -10, Res +30
LibraHP -10, Spd +40, Luc +10, Res -10
ScorpioAtk +20, Tec +20, Spd +10,
Luc -10
SagittariusHP -10, Tec +40, Spd +10
CapricornHP +20, Tec -10, Spd -10, Def +10

How to get starsphere shards

Temple of Stars

In Fire Emblem Echoes, you can get starsphere shard items in Temple of Stars, one of the dungeons from the Fire Emblem Ecoes first DLC. This is the best place to farm starsphere shards.

1st DLCTemple of Stars
Price400 JP Yen
  • Items (Can be obtained any number of times)
  • Starsphere shards (Random drop)


Once you start, a priest of the temle asks you to get rid of robbers stalking in the place and he allows you to bring items back as a reward. A hermit also tells you that you can find starshepere shards sometimes.

Note: Starshere shards found randomly!

It's totally random. If you are unlucky enough, you may not be able to get even one.

Destroying pots

Basically you can get items from pots in the dungeon, and sometimes starsphere shards are in them.

Enemy drop

Sometimes you will see an enemy which has one of starsphere shards items. You can get it by beating the opponent.


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Her max str is 39
I've beaten him on Hard Classic mode, it wasn't to difficult Only took me 1 attempt aft...
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