
Chapter 3 Liberation War (Celica) - Walkthrough, Tips, FAQ

Fire Emblem Echoes Top Story
Check how to get rare swords!
update 13/05/2017

Zofia Coast

Palla and Catria appear as NPC. Get them to survive the battle, then they join your party in Zofia Harbor.

Zofia Harbor


Talk to Palla and Catria at Entrance and they join your party. Catria will be one of the main unit due to her very nice base stats and growth rate.

Mountain Graveyard (Battle)

Battle against Terrors.

Mountain Village


Found items



Forgeing your weapons!

You can strengthen your weapons by spending silver/gold coins.

Found items

  • Drinking Water


Atlas joins your party here! He is the only "Villager" in Celica's party.

Found items

  • Orange


  • Weary Woman asks you to find Son's Diary. That can be found in Dragon Shrine. Once you bring it to her, she dissapears. Get out of the village and re-enter to receieve rewards. Silver Coin x50 and 100 Renown are rewards.
  • Rustic Lumgerjack asks you to hand over an axe that you find in Mycen's House. Wooden Bear is reward. After giving him an axe, he also requests you to find Wooden Duma. No reward, but Wooden Duma is not handed over.


Found items

  • Orange
  • Drinking Water
  • Flour


  • Give Fish-Loving man Dried Shieldfish. You'll receive Sacred Cheese and 100 Renown as rewards.

Desert Fort (Battle)

Wolf is very tought to beat if you play hard mode. Get him out of the fort and use Celica's Angel to defeat him.

Inner Desert Fort

Main Hall

Found items

Strategy Room

Found items


  • Lyon Shield can be handed over to Master Lyon. He is in Zofia Castle. Blessed Cheese and 300 Renown are rewards. Use Traveling Merchant in Mountain Village's Plaza to bring the Shield to Alm.
  • Hand over Hatchet to Rustic Lumgerjack in Mountain Village.


Jesse joins your party. Getting him to be Villager to promote to Bow Knight will be the best way to put him into use.

Found items


Go to world map and visit Prison again to see Traveler. Red Triangle is a reward. It just changes a character's outfit during battles.

South or North Desert (Battle)

If you head to North and defeat Dean, Sonia joins your partyin Grieth's Fort. If you enter to South and beat Sonia, Dean joins.

Grieth’s Fort

After defeating enemies, you can explore this location.

Main Hall

Found items

  • Memory Fragment
  • Silver Coin x100
  • Drinking Water
  • Devil Axe (Cannot be equipped to your units currentlu)

Strategy Room

Dean or Sonia joins your party.

Found items

Prison 1

Est joins your party. Get her to promote to Falcon Knight to increase her HP stat.

Found items

Prison 2

Found items

Mila Valley

Battle against Vrai. He drops Darkness Sword.

Dragon Shrine

Found items

Sacred wells


Commens and feedback


Comments (updated every hour)

Her max str is 39
I've beaten him on Hard Classic mode, it wasn't to difficult Only took me 1 attempt aft...
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