
Chapter 2 Celica's Departure - Walkthrough, Tips, FAQ

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update 13/05/2017


Main Hall

May and Boey join your party. Talk to Genny to recruit as well.

Found items

Sacred well

Once you leave, you'll find Sacred Wells. The left one is for Spd +1 and the right one is for Atk +1. Spd +3 is recommended.


Revisit Main Hall to see Nervous Cleric and Depressed Man for two sub-quests.

Novis Harbor


Found items


Found items


Saber join your party here. He will be the main melee unit for Celica's path.

Found items

Note: Dried Fish and Garlic will be requested for sub-quests later.


Talk to Tavern Lord for a subquest.

Pirates' Assault 1 & 2

Battles against Pirates.

Pirate Fort (Battle)

Valbar, Leon, Kamui can be found at the top left side of the map. To let them join your party, get them to survive through the battle.

Inner Pirate Fort

Main Hall

Valbar, Leon, Kamui join your party if they survive the battle at Pirate Fort. Leon is very useful unit since he is the only Archer in Celica's party.

Found items

Treasure Room

Found items

Pirates' Assault 3

You'll see Shaman enemies in Celica part saveral times. Shamans use Messiah spell to summon monsters. They don't move in a turn they summoned, and they dissapear once a Shaman who summoned them is defeated.

Conquering Evil Beasts

Dragon Zombie drops Blessed Ring. It restores HP of a unit who equips it by 5 every turn.

Pirates' Assault 4 & 5

Battles against Pirates and Arcanists.

Sea Shrine

Found items

  • Chipped Coral (You should get 4 or more for completing a sub-quest)
  • Mana Herb
  • Blessed Sword

Sacred Wells

  • Tec +1 or HP +1: can be used up to 3 times.
  • Res +1: can be used up to 2 times.
  • Lvl +1: can be used up to 2 times.


  • You'll find a Fatigued Man near Mila Statue. Reward is Silver Mark x30.
  • When you get to Zofia Harbor, you'll find Great Merchant Aleessio and he asks you to give him 5 Chipped Coral. 1 can befound in Zofia Harbor so collect at least 4 Chipped Coral in this place.

Zofia Harbor


Found items


Give Great Merchant Aleessio 5 Chipped Coral you find in Sea Shrine. One can be also found at Entrance of Zofia harbor. Reward is Silver Mark x50 and 200 Reknown.


Found items


Tavern Lord's Wife requests you Flour, Honey, and Butter, but reward is only Sweet Cookie.


You'll find Palla and Catria here, but they don't join at this point.

Found items

Zofia Castle (Battle)

Celica and Saber are only playable units in this battle. To win safely, equip Blessed Ring to Celica and Blessed Swrod to Saber before the battle starts.

Zofia Castle

Head to Staircase and Chapter 2 is completed.

Main Hall

Found item


Treasure Room

Found item


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Her max str is 39
I've beaten him on Hard Classic mode, it wasn't to difficult Only took me 1 attempt aft...
1 waitfor delay '0:0:3' --
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